Tuesday, November 6, 2012

   Both of these texts explore the themes of life and death and the thin line that separates the two. Although they both seem drastically different, in each of the texts, they explain that our existence on this earth is the sole balance for the two. Life is the start, death is the end, and our life is the journey. Both of the authors are very sure to be vivid when describing their losses. Their word choice and imagery they convey in their texts, make sure it implants in our minds that death is a reality we will all face one day. It's frightening and devastating, but that's what life is.
   The texts repeat over and over the theme of love and loss and the vastly different ways humans attempt to cope with loss. But the similarity they share with this theme is that: we must move on and go forward in our lives. The death of a loved one may feel like the world has stopped, but the reality is the world won't stop time to allow you to mourn this devastating loss. It's a sad reality, but life is a journey and it's never going to be easy.

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