Monday, November 19, 2012

Chapter 25 & 26

   Peter Elbow explains that the one thing many students lack is voice in their papers. Looking up the definition of voice (in literature) is the author's style, the quality that makes his or her writing unique, and which conveys the author's attitude, personality, and character. When I think of voice in a paper, I always think of it as a conversation as I read it. The writer is suppose to communicate through their words and be able to relate to the reader, but in my opinion, be charismatic as well. I always try to write my paper as honest, but without being too blunt or offensive. There's nothing worse than reading a paper that feels obnoxious or even WORSE, a paper that has a nonexistent voice. I suppose there are people that are an absolute bore. But in literature, you can fake a voice and write what you wish you could say. Writing gives you that freedom so why not take it? My voice as a writer is one that tries to relate as much as possible with the reader. Some of my favorite pieces of literature have underdogs as their heroes or heroines because of how easy it is to relate to them. That's what I want to do. The greatest feeling would be to allow someone to find their own voice after reading my work because they know I'm just like them. My voice as a writer conveys that there is a unique and underdog story in all of us and writing allows us to share it with others.

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