Thursday, September 27, 2012

A writer's struggle

   To some, writing can be a hassle that feels like hard work, rather than it being something enjoyable. I've always loved writing, but after reading Mike Rose's blog, I realized I am a victim to a lot of the struggles that come with writing. First off, I ramble on and on and sometimes don't take into consideration that I don't have to fill an essay with unnecessary details. That doesn't mean I have to sum up an entire paper in one paragraph or leave out details. Instead I have to plan ahead before I sit and begin writing. I should outline what are the absolutely important details to make the paper flow and be interesting, but most importantly, still allow it to sound like me. He described a student that refused to write a first draft. The student jumped into the final draft because he wanted his fresh thoughts to be poured onto the paper, without considering how crucial it is to make sure what you're writing makes sense and doesn't jump from point to point and back to the original point. I am guilty of this. I've always despised having to write a paper and then revise it and then do that process another two times, until FINALLY, I can write my final draft. But to be an effective writer and produce a high quality paper, you MUST do this. It opened my eyes and made me realize that by doing this process, I can not only be myself and express my thoughts clearly, but I can also follow the basic rules of writing.

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