Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Autonomy. Mastery. Purpose

   As I watched the video of Mr. Dan Pink's speech, three main points stood out to me the most. Three points that I could very well use every day and hopefully use for the rest of my life.
  1.  Autonomy: the urge to direct our own lives.
   That's a strong point for someone who one day hopes to direct films. For the longest time, I've found it difficult to make any simple decision, let alone decide where I want to direct my life. Even if it's as simple as telling myself to do a good job in everyday situations, like school or work, I honestly have no motivation if it's not something I want to do for the rest of my life. I need to know there's a light at the end of the tunnel, because at times it feels like I'm slowly sinking into a dark abyss under my feet. Which lead me to the second point he made.

     2.   Mastery: the desire to get better and better at something that matters.

   This point is what really reeled me in. Knowing I could put my mind and dedication towards something that matters to me is what hopefully most people wish for in life. Why be stuck doing something that is remotely bearable and instead get better and better at something that matters? For some it seems too perfect, or like Mr. Pink said, "utopian." But even if it did seem too perfect and far fetched, there's no hurt in just trying. I'd rather struggle towards my goal and not have a safety because at least I could sleep at night knowing the next day won't be just another day at work. Instead it would be another day in life. It's a scary risk to drop everything and focus on the one thing you'd want to get better at, but at least in the end, you can know what it feels like to be your own master inching your way towards your dream.

   3.   Purpose: the yearning to do what we do in the service of something larger than ourselves.

   I believe that this is what should motivate everyone. The purpose in our lives is that we have purpose. Instead of asking why we're here, just accept it and do. Help others, motivate, be positive. Knowing that this is an inspiration or not is what should keep us sane. As simple or as complex, there's a bigger goal to every person's dream. Your one simple idea could one day employ thousands of people. Your one song or short story or even film could one day inspire millions. Instead of thinking why, think why not. Know that there's a bigger picture to be drawn and as vibrant or transparent your color is, it will still be apart of a masterpiece.

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