Wednesday, September 26, 2012


   The one thing I could always identify with would have to be writing. Everything I could have and wished I would've said could be poured onto paper. I've always been painfully shy, so being able to create a whole different world where I was the main character and I could transport anywhere and be anyone was always a beautiful release.

   I've always been passionate about books, music, but especially movies. All require practice and especially a passion to create something different. I really doubt any artist would want to be a carbon copy of someone else. I believe movies especially let someone step outside of the norm. Look at surreal films. It's something you've probably never seen before and it sticks with you. I'd hope to one day be able to do the same. Be a different kind of writer. Not be able to boxed into a certain genre. It would be amazing to be able to create a new kind of genre. Writing allows you to create new dimensions and unique characters and push the boundaries of what is socially acceptable.
    I've always been interested in screenwriting which is completely different from regular essay writing. In a screenplay, you can write minimal details and dialogue, while an essay would require it to be stuffed with details and most likely more dialogue. I love writing that requires no structure or rules because the best kind of writing in my opinion is the one that is a little off. Being unique should never be written off as being wrong. I would want to be a different kind of writer. A visionary. Some of the greatest (also my favorite) directors were originally written off as crazy and their movies as trash. Take Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece, 2001: A Space Odyssey. (Which he directed, produced, and co-wrote with Arthur C. Clarke) When it was first released, it was received mixed reviews. Now it's regarded as being possibly the greatest science fiction movie of all time. He was ahead of his time and people were afraid. But that's sometimes the outcome that comes with being a different writer. Personally, I think it's worth it. Because I would want it to inspire others to also believe in their stories. My hero Stanley Kubrick helped me realize this, and hopefully one day someone reading one of my stories or even hopefully seeing a film by me could be inspired to be themselves and write about what they love. Because in the end being a little different is what makes a writer great.

"If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed." -S. Kubrick

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