Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Person

     He wakes up every morning and quickly gets ready for work. He tries to decide if he can squeeze in some time for chess. No, it'll have to wait. He quickly drives off to the studio and as he enters the building, blinding lights surround him like stars. He takes out his camera and begins to think where to start. He doesn't rush it. Filmmaking is like chess. He even said so. " If chess has any relationship to filmmaking, it would be in the way it helps you develop patience and discipline in choosing between alternatives at a time when an impulsive decision seems very attractive." He focuses on every detail. On every strand in his work. He obsesses to get everything right. Like chess, he must not make a hasty decision. It must be perfect. He thinks. What if I use this? What if I do this? He takes a risk with every scene, like every move in chess. And it's worth it. As he yells cut, in the back of his mind,  he can hear his own voice saying, checkmate. 

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