Thursday, October 25, 2012


  •  Born July 26, 1928 in Manhattan, New York.
  • When he was twelve, his father taught him to play chess.
    • Taught him patience and used many techniques when directing
  • First camera was a Graflex- triggered a fascination with photography.
  • Did not excel in school
    • Poor attendance
    • Poor grades
  • Became full-staff photographer at the age of 16 for Look
    • Published 900 of his photos
  • Short films
  • Full Length films   
    • Co-wrote all screenplays 
  • Film success
    • Reviews
    • $$
 Directing Techniques 
  • Multiple Takes
    • Perfectionism
  • Use of Steadicam
  • Music Selection
  • Homages
  • Influence of film industry

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