Monday, October 22, 2012


   On the top of my writing list, grammar has always been something I've focused in on. Like Peter Elbow writes, "Mistakes in grammar lead readers to notice other weaknesses." I believe this is   extremely accurate because if I find a mistake and it's so simple to correct, I lose interest and may assume they aren't as articulate. I'm not saying I've never fallen victim to grammar mistakes, but as I learned in revising my paper, I can carefully spot simple mistakes and correct them. It's crucial to me to have a paper free of mediocre mistakes because it does weigh the paper down and diminished your credibility as a writer who wants to be taken seriously. I believe that because my grade school instilled a lot of attention on grammar, it was easier to grasp once I began writing essays as I got older. Once again, I'm not saying I'm perfect at grammar, but I am that annoying person who spots grammar mistakes in other people's work and stresses on correcting these simple errors! I hope to continue to learn more grammar tricks and tips and hopefully one day have a first draft free of errors.

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