Tuesday, October 2, 2012


   I've always felt writing is a way to express myself. If I couldn't find the words to say aloud, I'd write them down. I'd hope my writing would touch other people who feel this way. People who are wallflowers, taking in their surroundings quietly; and rather than being social butterflies who can confidently walk into the room and say what they feel. I'd want the underdogs to feel like they can relate to me when they read my writings. It would benefit sharing my ideas because they would see that they're not alone and other people go through the same things as them. Sharing is a way to connect with others when speaking or actions isn't enough. And that's the beauty of writing.
    I've always leaned towards oddball characters like Carrie White from Stephen King's Carrie or even Alex DeLarge from Anthony Burgess' novel A Clockwork Orange. They were the outcasts, the social misfits, the delinquents, the nobodies. These are the characters I could relate to because I never was the prom queen or the perfect "A" student. And I assume that not everyone is. So these are the characters and some of the writings that I've benefited from reading. I don't agree with a lot of their actions or even with them in general, but this is what I loved most about these novels. The characters in them weren't perfect either.

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