Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Chapter 12- Thorough Revising

   The first sentence of this chapter stood out to me the most: The leverage in thorough revising comes from time. I agree with this because you can spend countless hours trying to quickly revise the paper that is still fresh in your mind, or you can push it aside for a couple of days and read the paper with a new perspective because you took time off before you critique it.

My favorite points he made about revising include:

1. If piece is intended for an audience, get yours readers and purpose clearly in mind.
  •    Know who you are writing for and what you're going to write about. It's always awful reading a paper that makes no sense and also isn't interesting because not everyone can relate to it. 
2. Read over what you've written and mark IMPORTANT bits.
  •      Quick revising, you can go back and quickly change the mistakes.
3.Find main point or center of gravity.
  •    Identify why you even sat down to write in the first place! 
4.  Put your parts in order on the basis of your main idea.
  •    This allows you to list parts (in no particular order) and then develop sentences when you identify main point of each full-sentence.
When strengthening your language, you tighten and clean up your language.
  • Don't have to use fancy words or "explaining" things, just write like you normally would talk and JUST SAY IT! 
The summary of this chapter is that the main weapon in thorough revising is TIME!! The paper shouldn't be rushed and the revising shouldn't be either. If you take enough time to come up with the idea and take time off so the ideas won't be so fresh in your mind, revising will be easy! Revising isn't just about fixing your grammar mistakes, it's also about cleaning and tightening up your language. Write how you would talk and don't get stuck explaining yourself. They'll get it if you just say it!

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